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Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016 - page 2

Drapeau CoToReP Homme
And now my posts don't touch the ground
Lieu: Douai
Anniversaire: 12 août 1986
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2005
Messages: 7387

#31 03-10-2016 20:05:25

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

voici la video

Edit svtm :
(Merci Cotorep)

pas assez de place dans ma signature pour indiquer les 45 concerts de Placebo  depuis 2004 ^^

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Drapeau molkofan59 Femme
Lieu: dins ch'nord
Anniversaire: 25 juin
Date d'inscription: 25-08-2010
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@Didille_R sur Twitter

#32 03-10-2016 20:12:33

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Merci coto  godlike

Put your hands in the air,
and wave them like you give a f**k!!!

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madoka277 Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Aix-en-Provence
Anniversaire: 27 juillet 1982
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2015
Messages: 266

#33 03-10-2016 20:41:18

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Merkiiiiiiiiiii  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  tummenupp

I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right
I'm lord of of all darkness, I'm queen of the night
I've got the power, now do the march of the black queen

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Démarcheuse ès concerts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-12-2013
Messages: 1629

#34 03-10-2016 21:06:46

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

1000 mercis Coto, comme d'hab'  coeur

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Blackmarket Femme
Taste in post
Lieu: Paris
Anniversaire: 03 janvier 1986
Date d'inscription: 07-04-2013
Messages: 145

#35 03-10-2016 22:10:10

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Merci!!!!!! C est trop génial .

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madoka277 Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Aix-en-Provence
Anniversaire: 27 juillet 1982
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2015
Messages: 266

#36 04-10-2016 00:56:18

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Super concert, tout sourire et humour !  tummenupp

Soulmates est grandiose !  rock

Petit bémol, vu la tête de Brian sur Nancy Boy, j'ai l'impression qu'il n'aime pas la chanter et qu'il le fait juste pour faire plaisir aux fans. On dirait même qu'il bâcle la fin. Vous en pensez quoi ?

Aussi, heu, pourquoi Brian utilise t'il un inhalateur ? N'est pas malade j'espère !  blink

I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right
I'm lord of of all darkness, I'm queen of the night
I've got the power, now do the march of the black queen

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Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#37 04-10-2016 10:36:31

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Really nice live. Even with not a permanent drummer. smile

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Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#38 04-10-2016 12:06:17

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

madoka277 a écrit:

Soulmates est grandiose !  rock

Petit bémol, vu la tête de Brian sur Nancy Boy, j'ai l'impression qu'il n'aime pas la chanter et qu'il le fait juste pour faire plaisir aux fans. On dirait même qu'il bâcle la fin. Vous en pensez quoi ?

Aussi, heu, pourquoi Brian utilise t'il un inhalateur ? N'est pas malade j'espère !  blink

Pour Soulmates, je plussoie, c'est un vrai bonheur de la réentendre !

Pour Nancy Boy, je n'ai pas ressenti ça comme ça, je pense plutôt qu'il a beaucoup de mal à la chanter car il doit placer sa voix trop haut et trop aigüe, et 20 ans et quelques milliers de clopes plus tard il n'en est plus capable, ce qui est normal ! Qu'est ce que vous en pensez ?
Nancy Boy is really dead et enterré !!!  wink

Pour l'inhalateur, meuh non t'inquiète Madoka il est juste enruhmé, il arrête pas de s'essuyer le nez !  lol C'est dommage mais c'est de saison  malade

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Taste in post
Lieu: A place to us to dream
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2016
Messages: 121

#39 04-10-2016 12:31:55

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Thanks you Cotorep for the link, of this great show!  coeur

It was very pleasure to ear Soulmates, it's my favorite song of SWG album. Great to have Pure Morning in the playlist again, cause I thought Brian hates the lyrics of the song.

Is Brian's green Fender Jaguar guitar new? Never seen it before. 

Nancy Boy was a bit disapointing, his voice can't go in high-pitched anymore, and wasn't very rightfully.

I'm a cavalcade that tumbles one by one #JesusSon

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#40 04-10-2016 20:13:58

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Autre lien : entretien audio avec le groupe avant le concert ! Puis, vidéo du concert...
(Merci SonicBliss)

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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madoka277 Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Aix-en-Provence
Anniversaire: 27 juillet 1982
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2015
Messages: 266

#41 04-10-2016 21:12:21

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Re-Merkiii smile
Va falloir que j'améliore mon vocabulaire en anglais, j'ai du mal à comprendre les blagues...  lol

I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right
I'm lord of of all darkness, I'm queen of the night
I've got the power, now do the march of the black queen

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Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#42 05-10-2016 08:44:52

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

madoka277 a écrit:

Re-Merkiii smile
Va falloir que j'améliore mon vocabulaire en anglais, j'ai du mal à comprendre les blagues...  lol

Oui moi pas tout comprendre non plus   blink

Il me semble qu'il n'a pas présenté Matt Lunn en même temps que tous les autres, petit oubli dû au stress peut-être ????

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Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#43 05-10-2016 15:33:39

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

I will disagree with jesus's son about molko voice.

Voice type: Tenor
Total range: B♭1-D5
Sung range: D2-D5

Significant high notes:
D5 ("Hardly Wait", "Space Monkey" live)
C♯5 ("Space Monkey" live)
C5 ("Space Monkey" live)
A4 ("Ashtray Heart", "Nancy Boy", "Because I Want You" live)
G♯4 ("The Bitter End", "36 Degrees", "Because I Want You" live)
G4 ("Meds", "Post Blue", "Blind", "Bruise Pristine", "Because I Want You", "Scene of the Crime")

Significant low notes:
B♭1 ("First Day")
D2 ("In the Cold Light of Morning", "West End Girls")
E2 ("Ashtray Heart", "In the Cold Light of Morning")
F2 ("I.K.W.Y.L", "This Picture", "I Know You Want To Stop")
F♯2 ("The Extra")
G2 ("First Day", "Bright Lights", "West End Girls", "Scene of the Crime")
G♯2 ("Summer's Gone")

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Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#44 05-10-2016 16:07:10

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

dikano2 a écrit:

I will disagree with jesus's son about molko voice.

Voice type: Tenor
Total range: B♭1-D5
Sung range: D2-D5

Significant high notes:
D5 ("Hardly Wait", "Space Monkey" live)
C♯5 ("Space Monkey" live)
C5 ("Space Monkey" live)
A4 ("Ashtray Heart", "Nancy Boy", "Because I Want You" live)
G♯4 ("The Bitter End", "36 Degrees", "Because I Want You" live)
G4 ("Meds", "Post Blue", "Blind", "Bruise Pristine", "Because I Want You", "Scene of the Crime")

Significant low notes:
B♭1 ("First Day")
D2 ("In the Cold Light of Morning", "West End Girls")
E2 ("Ashtray Heart", "In the Cold Light of Morning")
F2 ("I.K.W.Y.L", "This Picture", "I Know You Want To Stop")
F♯2 ("The Extra")
G2 ("First Day", "Bright Lights", "West End Girls", "Scene of the Crime")
G♯2 ("Summer's Gone")

WTF ?!?!
Dikano could you please explain or translate in a normal language what it's means ??? I'm not a professional so I have no idea of what you say !  blink

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Taste in post
Lieu: A place to us to dream
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2016
Messages: 121

#45 05-10-2016 16:33:55

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

I'm not a professional eather, But of what I understand, each voice type matches with notes : A, B, C,D, E, F, G (La, Si, Do, Ré, Mi, Fa, Sol - in French)... But I don't understand why you disagree with me dikano2, Nancy boy is indeed a high note, but Brian couldn't get a high voice like in old times.

Anyways thanks for the link of the interview, the joke about Jeremy Kyle be interviewed by Jeremy Paxman, I laugh so hard!  lol

And  yes Brian did present Matt Lunn.

Dernière modification par jesus'son (05-10-2016 16:38:16)

I'm a cavalcade that tumbles one by one #JesusSon

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Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#46 05-10-2016 17:25:25

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

It' ok to disagree with someone dear jesus's son.  Cool.disagreement  is the spirit of democracy. As we say in Greece. Birth of democracy.

It has ntg to do with professional knowledge. It just a small dashboard where molko's voice reach some notes. Each human has his own vocal range. Usually women have more high notes than men. But doesn'the mean than each rule do not have their own exceptions. For more info just Google vocal range.

About high notes in Nancy boy, is still natural (with a lot of discussion) ofc for molko not to reach in this specific song as he did in the past.this depends on many many reasons with is not so easy to explain right here and right now. Try to Google it or ask a music teacher to explain to u some things about vocal range. I am sure u will understand.

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Taste in post
Lieu: A place to us to dream
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2016
Messages: 121

#47 05-10-2016 17:44:04

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Dear Dikano2, I didn't say it was wrong or anything, to not be agree with me. It's ok to have different point of view. I just didn't understand why!
I will search more about voice range; my knowledge is a bit poor. Thanks for your suggestions.  ok

Dernière modification par jesus'son (05-10-2016 17:45:59)

I'm a cavalcade that tumbles one by one #JesusSon

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Drapeau dikano2 Homme
Postage Angst
Lieu: Greece
Anniversaire: 05 août 1984
Date d'inscription: 19-09-2016
Messages: 60

#48 05-10-2016 20:01:25

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Happy to help u anytime my dear friend jesus's son.

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#49 05-10-2016 21:31:16

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Transcription : avec des erreurs...

- None of those are working...
Brian : He works for the BBC !
Shaun Kaeveny : I'm supposed to be here !
B: And he's very famous !
SK : Are you sure it's on ? Oh, i can hear it now ! Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here in the Live Room basement...
B : He does every show "commando"...
SK : Brian, please, do not swear ! We are live on BBC Radio 6 Music. We are about to enter... We're going through the Portal... It's like an episode of Stranger Things, this. It's really odd. We are in [V4 ?] because, this is a sort of [maizening ?] section here. Stefan is holding my clock. So i know exactly how long i've got. It's a bit old school, isn't it ? You know to be honest, i can't really read analog clocks. I prefer the digital ones.
Stefan Olsdal : My clocks are always about 10 mn ahead, so i'm never late for stuff.
B : You should hang this one on a neck. Black up and do a "flavour-flavour" impersonation !
SK : You don't want us... People always say SK's got a massive clock... They always say that... I've got to try to remember what time of day is here... Brian and Stefan, thank you very much indeed ! And who... Can you introduce the rest of the band here, that we have behind us ?
B : Yes ! On guitar and occasional bass, we have Nicholas Gavrilovic... On drums, we have Matthew Lunn... On piano, violin, we have miss Fiona Brice... On keyboards, we have William Llyod... And then, there's Stefan...
SK : Tall, isn't he ?
B :...He does lot of things with metal boxes... I do something quite similar !
SK : I've never seen what i think [is unusual... here are]... We have a bigger pedal bay for the bass here than we do for the drums ?
S : You see... I can never decide what i wanted to play... So i play both bass and guitar !
SK : Oh yeah !
S : Not at the same time... I haven't got one of those...sort of one guitar and one bass in one instrument... But i do swap. So hence a set up of bass pedals, a set up of guitar pedals.
SK : You've doubled dock, i understand !
B : We don't believe in a double neck [guitar]. The double neck, we believe, is an atrocity !
SK : It gets a little bit like "Mike and the Mechanics", isn't it ? If you're not careful ?
B : Who's that ?
SK : An [harsh ?] diablery from Brian... Now i'm gonna say this all story began... I mean the superfans... By the way, hello everybody up on the mezzanine ! Are you excited to be here ? On radio show [?]... ?
B : Imagine the girl who accosted me in front of the chemist is here !
SK : Who's that ? Can you show yourself girl from the chemist ? She's too embarrassed ! I see you !
B : Oh yeah, there you are !
SK : Well you're not a pharmacist ? No ? That's a shame ! Cause i 've got a weird [skin] rash !
B : No, she's not ! She 's a fan/friend now ! She's a very good fan/friend !

A suivre !

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#50 05-10-2016 22:23:04

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

SK : South Kensington Tube Station...i believe this all journey began [there], didn't it ? Am i right saying that ?
SO : Well that's where we met. Yes. By complete accident. Almost 20 years ago. We did know each other previously in this small european country. But the story of Placebo started really in South Kensington, yes. I had a guitar strapped to my back. And Brian saw me and said "oh god ! that guy !". But he walked up to me and said "hi" ! You know and we started talking. And he had a gig that week-end. And i went there. So i said "you haven't got a bass player. I play bass". And then the rest as we say is history !
SK : Is that your "Keith meeting on the train platform" moment, isn't it ?
B : Well we knew each other before, but we didn't like each other... And...cause we went to school together... And you know we vacillate occasionally !
SK : Vacillate between love and hate ?
B : Yeah ! There's a very thin line... I, i've got to stop there !
SO : It's early !
SK : It's a bit early for that ! Do you look back on these moments ? Because that is pure serendipity, isn't it ? This outcome, these creative, when you too get together... If you'd miss that little sliding door 's moment... Do you ever sit down and think "i could have been a barrista by now" ! Or something...
SO : I'd probably be teaching [ ? ] airplay guitar !
SK : Isn't it a nice life ?
SO : You know, music is ... As long as it gets [some through] the music, i think i'd really be happy. But something happened that day when we met.
SK : It's amazing really to be here now. i mean 20 years down the line... You were originally signed to a man who's going to be here a little bit later on. On Steve Lamacq's label, i believe, is that right ?
B : Yeah, we put our second independent single on Steve Lamacq's label Deceptive.
SK : Do you guys remain in contact occasionally ? Go [foresight] together or talk of old times ?
B : I haven't bumped into Steve for a few years now. We usually bumped into each other at festivals.
SK : Yes of course ! Everybody bumps into Steve at festivals. [Like the world was on] Steve at Reading Festival or something like that. You eventually will bump into him ! 20 years down the line it seems unbelievable, doesn't it really ? You've got a retrospective album of course, a new song, new single... What are the feelings when you look back ? What have been some of the moments that you've been most proud of so far, musically ?

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#51 05-10-2016 23:30:53

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

B : I have a tendency not to look back. It's a know the [offensive] looks back for mistakes, the person who appreciates looks back in another way, with another point of view... But i mean there were quite a few but let's say time, you know, spending five years in the orbit of the Spaceman, the Thin White Duke, the unimitable David Bowie, was... And learning so much from him when we were...babies... It was a pretty important step.
SK : It's difficult to do interviews with certain people without mentioning him. Because of course, his loss is still keenly felt, isn't it ? It was in January. i was gonna ask you about that. What was...You were kind of friends, you guys, weren't you ? So i mean, did you have long conversations into the night about your art ?
B : Not about art in general... You know he was the first person to talk to me about the email and art, music, literature and just kind of life, really.
SK : Such a sage, ahead of the [curve ?]. By 11 years understanding every single thing, i mean, to have a conversation about email in 1996 or something ! What the hell were you talking about ? Letters that you can send elec[tronically]...shut up ! But he was the first guy to do so many things !
B : But i could never catch on ! That all internet thing, we've gone here in a couple of years ! I'm not bothering with that !
SK : I think Jeremy...somebody, there's an interview on YouTube, well Jeremy Paxman, he's talking to David Bowie about the internet... And David is talking about just how important it's going to be... And you can see Jeremy Paxman is going like "no man...not exactly...i don't think it's going to catch on...i think you're barking at the wrong tree there, David" !
B : You know what i'd like to say i see Jeremy Paxman interview Jeremy Kyle !
SK : Oh, Jeremy Paxman on Kyle !
B : No the other way round !
SK : Kyle...
B : Kyle on Paxman ! Imagine, imagine the destruction ! Imagine the blood and the guts, you know, quite deservingly sawed for the most sanctimonious man in the universe !
SK : That's a brilliant idea ! I will put that forward to the man there at the BBC... With such a big back catalog as well and when you're doing gigs, you can [share and pick] anything of the all back catalog... How do you approach that ? And do you have songs that you favour to play, you look forward to, and songs you go "crack, i can't be doing it" ?
B : Yeah ! Yes !
SK : Which are they ?
SO : We haven't told anyone ! This is the first gig of this kind, of retrospective 20th anniversary, today, right here at 9am in the morning !
SK : It is incredible privilege to be here, isn't it ? That's a good point !
SO : There's gonna be blood, sweat and tears... Really trying getting here today... Our relation with our past and our back catalog tends to be a little bit fraught. As Brian mentioned earlier, we [are] looking back, we only see the mistakes, really. We always feel rather, we wanna play new stuff, you know. But if you gonna go around doing 20, like a retrospective 20 anniversary, we can't. We just have... How do we make the old stuff sound good now ? How can we connect to it now ? So that's been a challenge !
B : And we basically sort of choose songs that, in the end of the day, don't make us want to go, and for us that's under a train ! There's been a couple of time doing rehearsals that we wanted to do that ! So, we went to the station... But unfortunately, it was Southern Rail ! So it's like we're still here !
SK : A huge delay ! Thank you Southern Rail for that ! For the first time ever, these guys are gonna be performing an incredible career [outstanding ?] set ! They've come to terms with [parts ?] of their past. They're doing this for us, we haven't thank them enough ! Can we have a massive round of applause for Placebo to be here live and [dangerous ???] in a moment...

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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madoka277 Femme
Posting in the Details
Lieu: Aix-en-Provence
Anniversaire: 27 juillet 1982
Date d'inscription: 09-08-2015
Messages: 266

#52 06-10-2016 00:34:39

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Merki svtm !  tummenupp

I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right
I'm lord of of all darkness, I'm queen of the night
I've got the power, now do the march of the black queen

Hors ligne

Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#53 06-10-2016 09:23:51

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

plus_un  Oui merci Svtm, je n'avais pas tout capté !!!  smile

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Démarcheuse ès concerts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 09-12-2013
Messages: 1629

#54 06-10-2016 10:40:43

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Waa quel boulot!! Merci beaucoup svtm, et bravo!!  godlike

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#55 06-10-2016 18:14:15

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

Mais de rien !

PS : oui...j'ai fini à minuit hier soir...mais cela valait la peine... "Placebo" super détendu et blagueur...  ^^

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

Hors ligne

Drapeau Salamander Femme
Battle for the Posts
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 22-09-2015
Messages: 560

#56 06-10-2016 20:48:20

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

svtm a écrit:

Mais de rien !

PS : oui...j'ai fini à minuit hier soir...mais cela valait la peine... "Placebo" super détendu et blagueur...  ^^

Oui, j'ai l'impression qu'on ne les avait pas vu comme ça depuis longtemps, non ?  smile

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Drapeau svtm Entre les deux ;)
Harder, Faster, Forever Posteur
Lieu: Mother Earth
Anniversaire: (Information inconnue)
Date d'inscription: 02-06-2007
Messages: 2942

#57 13-10-2016 17:28:20

Re: Placebo au "BBC 6 Music Live" Show le 3/10/2016

"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothes, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves"

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